an inquiry into various artists and their styles

an inquiry into various artists and their styles

we are looking into this question

we are looking into this question

some of our thoughts so far...

some of our thoughts so far...

our classroom family

our classroom family

Our essential agreements

Our  essential agreements
we decided our behavior expectations for the year and all signed the contract

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Happy Summer Everyone!

Hello all! I hope your summer is in full swing. I really miss my students! I would love to hear from parents and especially, hear what you're up to. I check my work e-mail several times a week.
Many, many "thank you notes" grace my dining room table, awaiting the stamp fairy. In the meantime, please know how happy your generous gifts made me, and how much I treasure the notes and cards from kids and parents, as well. I wish we could continue on together!

I'm teaching at AOS for 2 more weeks for "Writers in the Schools" summer writing camp. In July, I'm going to Mt. Holyoke, Mass. with several other teachers for a week, for an intense math workshop. After that, I'll spend a bit of time in New York before coming back home...and getting my youngest off to Colorado State.

I'm sending some of your childs work over the next month. I hope everyone is spending some quiet reading time daily: I don't want anyone to get rusty! Included in the mailer will be a list of suggestions for keeping your learner on top of their game over the summer.

Take care, and I hope to update again soon!
Ms. J